Your opinion on domestic violence is very important

 How far is it right to beat a wife

If you are married then we want to share some things with you, we want to know your opinion and you can give your opinion in the comment box, do you think you should beat your wife for any mistake?

We want to tell you a few more things that can change your opinion, we want to tell you that if the wife has made a mistake, you should not kill the wife on that mistake. Because if you make a mistake, your wife kills you, it does not happen, and when the wife makes a mistake, you kill her, why only the husband has the right to kill. Just think if you made a mistake and your wife killed you, would you like it at all? We are telling you that you will not be able to afford it. Everyone makes mistakes but you or someone else makes all the mistakes but it is not human to kill someone at the fault. You are making a person a victim of your temper who is weaker than you. When a powerful person makes a mistake, do you beat him too? You will not do this, and no one does because everyone is afraid of the powerful person, do you think it is right to show anger at the weak person?

Suppose your wife makes a mistake and you are angry, can you not suppress that anger by thinking that she is weaker than you, if you bring such a thing to your mind, I believe that you can control the anger Will find

Nobody shows anger at a person stronger than himself

There are some people who always express their anger on a weak person, then there is another suggestion for those people. I have if you are a person who expresses his anger at a weak person. So suppose someone is standing in front of you who can follow you and answer that you can lose, would you express your anger on the person in front of you even in such a situation? We will not believe that you will never reveal your anger on someone more powerful than you. If you have made a mistake with your wife, then you should sit and talk among the 4 men. If you feel that even after you explain that your wife is not following the right path, then we have another suggestion for you. You should get rid of your relationship, maybe this relationship is not good for both of you. It is not necessary that in a relationship in which you always have trouble, you keep playing that relationship, you try to build a good relationship. If a good relationship is not formed then you can leave that relationship. Life is always the name of living, if you are not living your life well then your life is of no use, you should always learn to live your life well.


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