If you think you have a lot of work in life that's why you are not getting married then it is wrong

Getting married is a beautiful and important job in life There are many benefits of getting married, so there are many experiences that we do not like. If you are a man and have thought not to marry, then this idea is not right for you, because every man must marry. The world moves forward by getting married. Now you will wonder how the world can move forward by marrying me. But it is true that the world does not move forward by marrying you, but if you are not married, you will not be able to create another human being in the world. Getting married and having children after marriage is the religion of man and that is why humans come into the world and if you do not produce children, then one day you too will leave the world, in this way humans will end from the world. That is why it is human religion to marry and have children in life, but there are some people who have children, they should not do this also, it is also wrong because in this way the population will continue to gr...